Acne is generally a real cosmetic problem and affects an essential part of most people’s face. Therefore, acne treatment in Vancouver is the best option for affected people who feel an urgent need to find options that will help them get rid of it.
Below, we present some tips that could be of great help in achieving this goal.
What Is Acne?
Acne is a persistent inflammatory skin condition branded by the creation of pimples, papules, pustules, nodules, and scars.
Although its cause is unknown, it is a fact that appears due to excessive work of the sebaceous glands. The result is a buildup of sebum, dead cells, and bacteria on the skin. This, in turn, causes irritation of the hair follicle and the sebaceous glands themselves.
Depending on their severity, they are divided into four dissimilar types: mild, moderate, severe, and very serious.
Tips For Clearing Acne
1. Hydrate
Water is a vital liquid. You must, therefore, try to consume it daily in sufficient quantity. And besides, two liters are not obligatory.
It is estimated that 72% of the skin is made up of water. It is, therefore, essential to drink water daily. Not only to eliminate acne but also to have healthy skin.
2. Take care of your eating habits
Your food right influences the health of your skin. Fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables, feed and redecorate the skin. On the other hand, those based on sweeties, flour, advanced oils, or saturated fats have the opposite effect.
However, it is common for sugary cereals, pies, pastries, chocolates, biscuits, jams, and similar foodstuffs to be part of our diet. In addition to being reasonable, they save us time preparing more for you.
All this, added to their taste, explains why it is so hard to change the habit of eating them. However, let’s stop and think about some of the health problems that a diet rich in these types of foods usually causes:
- The appearance of unwanted acne.
- Increased insulin levels.
- Impaired androgen production.
- Excess sebum in the skin.
3. Avoid wearing makeup every day
Although makeup is ideal for highlighting the facial features that favor us, its daily use, in large quantities, can harm the health of the skin.
- Whenever possible, choose quality cosmetic products according to your dermatologist’s instructions.
- There are exclusive products on the market aimed at acne sufferers that have specific and beneficial properties when used.
- Neutral soaps are not recommended because the skin’s normal pH is acidic. Therefore, skin products should have a pH that is as close to the skin’s normal.
- Remove your makeup and wash your face carefully before going to bed. Never sleep with makeup on your face.
- Consider not wearing makeup at least a few days a week.
4. Maintain good facial hygiene
Nothing is more recommended for relieving acne than keeping the skin free of impurities. This is why it is so important to wash your face frequently with lukewarm water and neutral soap.
To remove makeup, use a gentle cream suited to your skin type. Never forget to remove residue at the end of the day with a very clean towel using small, gentle touches on the skin. This will prevent oily residue from remaining on the skin and subsequent irritation.
You could complete this treatment by applying an exfoliant once a week. Although there are many options on the market, we recommend the ones that you can prepare with papaya, rose aquatic, or yogurt.
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5. Get enough sleep
Sleeping no less than 7 hours a daytime delivers the body with the necessary rest while contributing to skin health. Did you know that when we sleep, our excretory system works the most? This is why cleansing in the morning is so necessary.
Well, getting a good rest will help you, among other things, to evade the appearance of unwanted dark circles and maintain beautiful and healthy skin.
If you can’t get those 7 hours of sleep at night, try taking a short nap during the day. The nap should last between 20 and 40 minutes.
6. Check what medications you are taking
In some cases, this condition is not due to lack of rest or poor diet. In fact, there are cases where acne is associated with taking certain medications. One of the most common birth control pills is the birth control pill.
If this is your case, before stopping taking them, you should consult your doctor. Keep in mind that sometimes acne only appears in the first few weeks. Then, once the body has adapted to the medication, it simply disappears.